TrafficControl 3.2
That script will set traffic violation cameras on some traffic lights,also it will add some Traffic Patrols on any locations you set,
and if you will drive too fast,ignore redlight signal,drive against traffic, hit ped or vehicle or drive on pavement, the LSPD will send you fine ticket on your account if you got caught on camera and Officer will pull you over if he saw the violation.
Also officer will try to pull you over if you have unpaid tickets for too long.You can pay all your tickets in LSPD(Blipped on the map) or with your phone by dialing “Pay Tickets”. in your phonebook.
If you hit some others vehicle,the victim will call police and the will make you pay for broken vehicle AND if you have old unpaid fines,they will include them in bill as well.
If you want to know where hiddent patrols are or see unpaid fines,just dial “CheckInfo” in your phone contact book for certain percent of commission and Paiges(Hacker) help;
-Different violations like:
1.Redlight signal ignore;
2.Hit peds or vehicles;
3.Driving on Pavements / Against Traffic;
4.Driving without seatbelt or helmet;
5.No blinkers while performing turn;
6.Driving without headlights on in twilights or without antifog lights in fog or thunder;
7.Breaking speed limits;
– Dynamical cameras spawn with blips and FX;
– Nearby Patrols will start to check your license if you have unpaid fines;
– Traffic Patrols or othe cops will try to pull you over if they see your breaking traffic rulse;
– Pay tickets or recieve money for traffic violations or traffic accidents with your Phone;
– Ifruit2Addon support,so you really have to dial some contact numbers for some actions;
-Check road information,unpaid fines and hiddent patrols locations on the map by dialing “CheckInfo” contact;
Just drop all files from the Script folder to your GTAV/Scripts/ folder;
How to use:
The script will automaticly register traffic violation,All you need to know is how to pay tickets after agreement or to check some roadinfo in any place,just take out your phone, navigate to phonebook and dial there PayTickets/Recieve Money(Recieve money Will be shown only If you are a victim in traffic accident) or CheckInfo.
-GTA V v1.0.877.1 to 1.0.1290.1 or higher (Probably old versions will work too,i havent tested it yet);
-Latest ScriptHookV;
-ScriptHookVDotNet3.0 or higher;
-IfruitAddon2.dll (Included in arhive)
-.NET FrameWork 4.8
Replace all files and Don’t forget to update VehicleCollision mod if you use it
-Improved InfoCall function (Now it will cost some persent(can be customized in .ini file how much),but it will show you Hidden Traffic Patrol Blips on the map for a several seconds (Can be customized in .ini file for how long as well);
-Added traffic control patrols on highways(You can add patrol in any place you like);
-Added possibility to add manualy (by editing PatrolPoints.xml) new patrol traffic control points;
-Added my Indicator mod support(Update to the latest version);
-Added “No Blinkers while turning” fine;
-Added “Too dirty vehicle” fine;
-Added “No antifog lights in Foggy or Thunderstorm weather”;
-Added possibility to customize fines cost in .ini file;
-Added phone payment commission (5% by default ,but can be changed in .ini file);
-Improved police detection function(If character is out city,the script will create/find Countryside sherifs,not LSPD officers);
-Improved payment/recieving system(After accepting pay ticket or accept money ,you have to use your phone and dial “Pay ticket/Recieve money” contact in your phonebook);
-Improved patrols reaction(Cops will chase you immediately, if they see you commiting felony and will give you a chance to pay tickets,if you will stop);
-Added more patrol points;
-Fixed not working “heading” value in .xml file;
-Improved patrol cops behaviour;
-Improved cops chasing (They will follow chase yo more cautious);
-Improved cops blips;
-Copde optimization;
-Added scripthookvdotnet 3.02 suppor;
-Added support foy my Vehicle Basic Control mods;
-Code has been rewritten for Scripthookvdotnet 3 version;
-Code optimization;
-Fixed bugs related to car accident script part;
-Fixed critical bug that could crash the game while driving car in for;
-The witnesses that driving vehicles will drop down their speed while passing by the car accident scene now;
-Improved car accident victim detection;
-Added stop sign ignore violation;
-Improved creation of cameras function;
-Fix bicycle violation bugs;
-Fixed passenger fine issue (You wont get fined if you’re passenger);