Enhanced Traffic Laws
This mod aims to recreate and expand on Sorbas’ Pull Me Over mod, this mod aims to add real traffic laws into GTAV, unlike Sorbas’ mod this mod does not need the assistance of another mod that has cop cars naturally spawning in traffic.
With this mod being as complicated as it is there is bound to be an fps drop, but many features of the mod that cause FPS drops can be disabled!
First thing to do is open scripts\TrafficLaws\TrafficLaws.ini, set any or all of these to false to improve fps, ENABLEROADSIDECOPSSPAWNS, ENABLEPATROLCOPS, SPAWNTRAFFICLIGHTCAMERAS, if you want more fps even you can set USEFASTERDETECTIONMETHOD to true
-Using a mobile phone
-Driving a heavily damaged vehicle
-Driving against traffic
-Hit and run on ped
-Collision with vehicle
-Running a red light
-Doing a wheelie/stoppie
-Driving without a helmet
-Driving on sidewalk
-Running a stop sign
-Using Nitros on a roadway
(Syncs with Nitro For All Vehicles By ImNotMentaL, Realistic Nitro By Eddlm and my Advanced Actions)
-Not waring helmet on motorbike
-Driving on Flat Tyre(s)
-Driving on Rim(s)
-Front and rear bumper damaged
-Front and rear bumper destroyed
-Vehicle windows damaged
-Lights are on during the day
-Lights arent on during the night
-Excessive reversing
-Blaring the horn
-Plate Invalid/has no text
-Left and Right headlight damaged
-damage to public propperty (colliding with a prop, like a street sign)
-Using hydraulics on the roadway’
-Dangerous driving (getting too close to vehicles)
-Vehicle is not roadworthy
All of these infractions can be toggled via TrafficLaws//TrafficLaws.ini, mod also supports addon police vehicles, simply download a police vehicle and add its spawn name in TrafficLaws//AddedPoliceVehicles.ini
The mod also contains additional extras, such as roadside cops, patrolling cops and traffic cameras, to enable these open TrafficLaws//TrafficLaws.in and look under headings ROADSIDECOPS, PATOLLINGCOPS,TRAFFICLIGHTCAMERAS
1. download and Install scripthookv + Scripthookvdotnet
2. create a scripts folder (named scripts and not Scripts) if you havent got one already
3. install LemonUI(if you havnt already got it for SHVDN2) there is a download link in the text file of the zip, copy the url into a browser, then a zip will be downloaded, drag the CONTENTS of the SHVDN2 folder into scripts
4. drag TrafficLaws folder into scripts
5. drag TrafficLaws.dll, TrafficLaws.pdb into script
6. drag HKHModHelperNew.dll and HKHModHelperNew.pdb into script if you havnt got it already
7. Launch game