Plane Heist 0.6
If you are updating from 0.5 to 0.6, delete the .CS file in your scripts folder before copying the new .dll file
With this script you can now perform a heist on a cargo plane transporting various expensive cars to LSIA.
Go to the entrance at LSIA, press E or right d-pad to start the heist, make your way to the plane marked on your map, take out the guards, choose a car that you’d like to steal, leave the area and lose the cops. You will also receive a cash award once completed.
Every time you start the heist, there will be a different selection of cars with random colors.
Copy PlaneHeist.dll to your to your games scripts folder located at Grand Theft Auto v\ scripts\.
Go to the entrance at LSIA and press E or right d-pad to start the heist.
Legit copy of GTA V
ScriptHookVDotNet v3.03
Version 0.2 contains some minor changes to the objective text.
Version 0.3 contains fixes to the blips and the problem where you’d still get rewarded when failing.
Version 0.4 contains more bug fixes
Version 0.5 contains a possible fix for the script not loading on some games
Version 0.6 contains bug fixes, the script compiled to .dll and a new heist passed screen